Christian Lendl

About me

I work as a professional photographer, filmmaker and media engineer in Vienna, Austria. In addition, I am a lecturer for eTourism at the FHWien University of Applied Sciences and from 2020 on also for Visual Marketing at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems.

I hold a MSc in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology and a MA in History from the University of Vienna (check out my history book Bletchley Park!), where I currently also pursue a PhD.

Besides that, I am a SCAE-certified barista and also drummer of the indie-rockband leichtsinn! Oh, and I love riding bikes.

My professional services are available on my portfolio site, selected photographs are available on my photo site, on unsplash, and on my Instagram. On my blog I write mostly about DIY projects every now and then (mostly in German, but some posts are available in English as well).

If you want to hire me or send me picture postcards or love letters, you can find various ways to reach me in my contact details.

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